Be You @ Beghou


Tina Zhao joined Beghou Consulting’s Evanston office in 2014 after earning her bachelor’s degree in economics, one of the many different fields of study among her peers at Beghou. Now an associate manager, Tina shares insight into her diverse range of client work, what to watch on Netflix and why she wants to spend a day at Hogwarts.

What’s a typical day for you at work?
“Since I usually work on a handful of client projects at once, there is no typical day at Beghou. I spend most of my time helping clients with their incentive compensation plans and ensuring proper sales force payouts. This includes cleaning and reviewing data, as well as updating client reports. I frequently work with Mainsail™, our custom technology solution that collects, organizes and shares data on one platform. I regularly update the platform’s features and conduct quality control on any new tools.”
What do you like to do on weekends?
“I like to stay active, so I’m frequently either at the gym or taking a yoga class with friends. I also enjoy watching TV and recently finished the first season of ‘Dead to Me’ on Netflix. It was a surprisingly good blend of psychological thriller and comedy!”
How would you describe the culture at Beghou?

“The culture at Beghou is friendly and collaborative. Our managers are supportive and accessible; their office doors are usually open, and my colleagues and I frequently stop by to ask questions or chat. We balance work and fun with themed happy hours, sports leagues and ‘Bagel Fridays,’ another Evanston office favorite.

It’s seamless to collaborate with colleagues based in other offices. For instance, I often work with our New York office on Tableau-related projects. We may work on different client accounts, but all share the same mentality of best serving our clients.”

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
“I wanted to be a teacher. In second grade, I really liked to read, so I would pretend that I was reading to a class, turning the book around to show the pictures to my classmates – or, as I thought, my ‘students.’”

What is a favorite project you’ve worked on, and why?


“Currently, I’m working on a marketing research project to survey health care professionals and patients on their opinions surrounding a particular product. This project focuses less on quantitative data and more on qualitative information, which offers our client unique insights and an interesting perspective.”
What fictional place would you most like to visit?
“Since I’m a Harry Potter fan, I’d want to visit Hogwarts. I read all the books and watched all the movies, so the fantasy world has a special place in my heart. It would cool to do magic, ride dragons and see mystical creatures.”