Design territories, deploy your sales force and maximize commercial performance with Beghou Consulting and its proprietary suite of products.

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Improve territory design and sales force deployment


Accurately designing sales territories and assigning field sales representatives isn’t rocket science. But it’s close.


Beghou’s Meridian is a suite of intuitive tools that help life sciences commercial leaders optimize sales force deployment and territory alignment. It uses proprietary algorithms and Google Maps to offer custom recommendations and provide visualizations to help you explore various commercial scenarios, target the highest-potential territories, allocate the right number of field sales representatives to those territories and make necessary ongoing changes to your sales strategy.

Design sales territories

Target the right geographies and design the territories that give your sales team the best chance of success.

Deploy your sales force

Allocate sales resources properly across markets using algorithm-driven guidance and custom recommendations.

Explore sales scenarios

Leverage Google Maps-based visualization capabilities to perform simulations, better understand sales potential and enhance your strategy

implement field insights

Adjust your strategy and redistribute sales force resources across territories based on field and management insights.

create benchmark data

Test sales scenarios and develop benchmarks to guide product launch commercialization efforts.

improve quality control

Align territories and deploy sales resources with precision and confidence based on Meridian’s accurate insights.

three solutions to drive
sales force improvements


The Meridian suite includes solutions for sales force deployment, territory configurations and mapping.


Charting territories and deploying field sales resources requires terabytes of data and in-depth market analysis. We created Meridian to do much of that hard work for you. With three solutions that Beghou consultants can tailor to your needs, Meridian answers your toughest sales strategy questions.

meridian blueprint

Beghou uses advanced, proprietary algorithms based on its 30-plus years of experience in the life sciences industry to help you place the right number of field sales representatives in key markets.

meridian balance

Configure territories and allocate sales resources across geographies to maximize coverage of top customers and boost your chance of commercial success.

meridian mapping

Use Google Maps to view your territories and distribution of field sales representatives. Then, make on-the-spot adjustments based on field insights and corporate directives.

Would you like to learn how Meridian can help your sales force?

Contact us today to schedule a demo.