Optimize sales force structure and performance

Your sales force is on the front lines of your commercial operations. Structure it properly to effectively reach target customers and generate results.

Leave no stone unturned when building your sales force

Bring a comprehensive approach to constructing and continuously fine-tuning your sales operations. Knowing how many field sales representatives to hire, where to send them, and how to optimize their health care professional-detail efforts requires rigorous data analysis and expert strategic judgment. You need access to a full suite of solutions to put your sales team in the best position to reach important customers and drive product results.

Resources that help your sales machine fire on all cylinders

For decades, Beghou Consulting has helped life sciences companies of all sizes improve sales force strategies. The team deploys a holistic, data-driven approach to address all facets of your sales operations.

Build a solid foundation of data

Beghou Consulting experts are experienced data scientists and engineers who help you collect, organize, manage and share data to fuel all aspects of your commercial operations.

get deeper sales insights

Once your data is organized, it’s ready for rigorous analysis. Beghou’s analytics experts build custom models that provide answers to your toughest commercial questions and help you equip your sales force for success.

Properly size and distribute your sales team

Beghou performs in-depth data and market analysis to help you determine the best size, structure and alignment for your sales force. These efforts ensure you have the right resources in the right places.

Create more precise marching orders

Field sales representatives need clear directives. Beghou’s data-driven approach helps you determine precisely how to improve your team’s chances of reaching the most valuable customers.

Build a model to guide your sales efforts

The Beghou team analyzes your data, accounts for the many variables that impact product performance, and develops reliable forecast models that help you determine how to meet your revenue objectives.

Motivate your sales force to boost results

Proper strategic planning, data analysis and modeling can ensure you develop an incentive compensation plan that motivates field sales representatives to deliver sustained results.

Manage your commercial data with Mainsail™

With Beghou’s proprietary, cloud-based platform, you have access to a central repository for your commercial data. From there, you can disseminate data and insights across your sales team.

Optimize sales force alignment with Meridian™

Using Meridian, a Google Maps-based alignment suite, Beghou’s consultants help you design territories, balance workload and potential across territories, and view your sales force distribution.

Take your data analysis to new heights

Beghou’s business intelligence experts help you take advantage of all built-in features of business intelligence tools to effectively delve into your data for insights that your sales team can act on.

Do you want to get more out of your sales force?

Schedule a consultation with a Beghou sales strategy expert.