View, manage and adjust everything related to incentive compensation
plans in one platform.


Managers can view and adjust goals across their sales teams. Reps can play with payout scenarios via built-in “what-if” calculators. Mainsail IC gives all stakeholders in a company’s commercial operation the visibility they need to administer incentive compensation plans, make needed changes and ensure plans drive high performance.

Say goodbye to version-control challenges. With Mainsail IC, commercial leaders can fine-tune plans collaboratively. As a powerful, cloud-based platform, Mainsail IC is built to ensure accuracy and accommodate the workflows of busy life sciences commercial organizations.

Incentive compensation data is sensitive. Spreading that data across platforms increases organizational risk and creates inefficiencies. With Mainsail IC, commercial leaders can keep all their IC data in one platform and strictly manage access across the commercial organization and field sales teams.

Mainsail IC is not an out-of-the-box solution. Instead, Beghou customizes it for each customer, ensuring it meets a company’s reporting needs, access requirements and desired level of self-service. Further, every Mainsail IC deployment includes support from Beghou’s team of IC experts who help companies design plans, build contests and award programs, and more.

Explore An All-In-One
Incentive Compensation Solution

Patchwork of tools
Disjointed data
Spreadsheet-based calculators
Limited visibility
A single platform for all things IC
Visibility and seamless collaboration
Calculators that facilitate scenario-testing
Document and approval management

Mainsail IC is a robust platform that sits within the Mainsail commercial excellence suite. Built on the powerful Mainsail infrastructure, Mainsail IC allows users to seamlessly organize data, visualize scenarios and make the adjustments they need to manage end-to-end incentive compensation.


To get an incentive compensation plan right, a team must adjust frequently. In Mainsail IC, commercial leaders can view and adjust goals across the sales force to ensure fairness, consistency and maximum motivation. Sales reps can review progress against goals. The platform gives users in all roles the visibility they need to drive performance.

Change goal parameters and
assess scenarios 
Visualize distribution of goals 
 Track MBO programs 

In Mainsail IC, commercial leaders can seamlessly communicate with sales reps about their incentive plans. Reps can review and sign off on their incentive plans in the platform, ensuring transparency and alignment across the organization.

Share changes to IC plans 
Review and acknowledge IC plans 
Maintain IC plan documentation 
report on performance

Users can take advantage of Mainsail IC’s built-in visualization capabilities to review at-a-glance key metrics related to the IC plan. From helping commercial leaders monitor performance against quota across product lines to enabling reps to view projected payout curves, the platform provides real-time visibility into performance.

Create custom dashboards 
View performance across product lines and sales teams 
Calibrate payout curves 
case study:
Global biopharma company overhauls IC administration

A global biopharma company with four sales teams was managing their IC efforts across a handful of platforms (e.g., Excel for scenario planning, a business intelligence tool for reporting, a separate cloud-based platform for document management). This disjointed approach limited commercial leaders’ ability to agilely adjust the IC plan. It also hindered sales reps’ ability to see how their activities would correlate into payouts.

Beghou worked with this company’s commercial leaders and field sales team to bring all the company’s incentive compensation administration efforts into Mainsail IC. The platform became the hub of the company’s IC data. Visualizations the company previously built in its business intelligence tool moved to Mainsail IC. Reps gained access to “what-if” calculators so they could clearly map the impact of various scenarios. And managers ran MBO programs and rep performance reviews in the platform.

As a flexible platform, Mainsail IC allows this biopharma company to adjust its IC plans frequently. The platform also helps leadership maintain visibility into overall performance and ensures reps have access to the information they need to drive results. As the company’s products mature – and it introduces new therapies – Mainsail IC is built to scale with the company’s growth and support its increasingly complex IC administration needs.

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